European Journal of Anatomy

Official Journal of The Spanish Society of Anatomy
Cover Volume 1 - Number 1
Eur J Anat, 1 (1): 37-41 (1997)

Influence of the surgical technique of vasectomy on the testicular structure

R. Sarrat, J. Whyte, A. Torres, A. Whyte*, P. P. Ortiz and R. Mazo*

Department of Morphology, School of Medicine. University of Zaragoza. Spain. *Department of Animal Pathology-Surgery, School of Veterinary. University of Zaragoza. Spain.

ABSTRACT We have performed experimental vasectomies in rats in order to study different repercussions of various surgical techniques on the testicular structure. The Silber's technique, with ligature of both cut ends of the sectioned vas deferens caused a severe tubular atrophy, which finally destroyed the architecture of the testis with compensating hypertrophy of the intertubular connective tis­ sue. The technique of the "open cut end", lea­ ving the proximal end free and allowing the normal drainage of the vas deferens into the interstitial space of the spermatic cord, had no influence on the testicular structure, at least in the studied period of time, now nearly one year. We cannot rejectany long-term immunological phenomena. The conclusion of this study is that the pecu­liarities of the surgical techniques of vasectomy ha ve a decisive influence on the preservation of the testicular structure.

Keywords: Vasectomy, surgical techniques, tes­ticular structure.

European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)