Eur J Anat, 6 (3): 133-139 (2002)
A comparative study of Bowman's layer in some mammals: Relationships with other constituent corneal structures
Merindano Ma.D., Costa J., Canals M., Potau J.M., Ruano D.
Departamento de Optica y Optometria, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain; Departamento de Anatomia Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Esc. Univ. de Optica y Optometria, UPC, C/ Violinista Vellsolá 37, 08222, Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain
ABSTRACT Existing morphological and morphometric studies of mammalian cornea offer little information about the morphology and morphometry of Bowman's layer. Furthermore, no data regarding the relationship between Bowman's layer and other corneal structures are currently available. It is for this reason that we have decided to carry out a comparative study of the main features of Bowman's layer in 40 species of mammals (carnivores, primates and herbivores) and to determine its relationship with other corneal layers. The results pointed out the existence of Bowman's layer in nearly all the primates studied. The only exception was the lemur (Lepilemur mustelinus). Bowman's layer was absent in all the carnivores in the study but was present in some herbivores (deer, sambar deer, giraffe, ox, zebu and eland). In addition, there appears to be a certain relationship between the presence of Bowman's layer and the thickness of the epithelium and Descemet's membrane.
Keywords: animal tissue, article, Bowman membrane, carnivore, comparative anatomy, cornea, cornea epithelium, descemet membrane, eye, herbivory, mammal, morphometrics, nonhuman, primate
European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)