European Journal of Anatomy

Official Journal of The Spanish Society of Anatomy
Cover Volume 16 - Number 1
Eur J Anat, 16 (1): 1-21 (2012)

The legal and ethical framework governing Body Donation in Europe â?? 1st update on current practice

Beat M. Riederer1, S. Bolt2, Eric Brenner3, José L. Bueno-López4, A.R.M. Circulescu5, D.C. Davies6, Raffaele De Caro7, P.O. Gerrits8, Stephen McHanwell9, Diogo Pais10, Friedrich Paulsen11, Odile Plaisant12, Erdogan Sendemir13, I. Stabile14, Bernard J. Moxham15

1Department of Cell Biology and Morphology, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 2Center for Thanatology, Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands 3Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Division for Clinical and Functional Anatomy, Innsbruck Medical University, Müllerstrasse 59, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 4Departemento de Neurociencias, Facultad de Medicina y Odontologia, Universidad del País Vasco, 48940 Leioa, Spain 5Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, C Davila University, Bucharest, Romania 6Imperial College, London 7Section of Anatomy, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, University of Padova, Via A Gabelli 65, 35127 Padova, Italy 8Department of Neuroscience, Section Anatomy, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 9Oral Biology, 5th Floor, School of Dental Sciences, Dental School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW, UK 10Departamento de Deontologia, Bioética e DireitoMédico, Faculdade de CiênciasMédicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal 11Department of Anatomy II, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Universitätsstr. 19, 91054 Erlangen, Germany 12Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Faculté de médecine, URDIA, EA 4465, Paris, France 13Anatomy Department, Medical Faculty, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey 14Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta 15School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AP, UK

ABSTRACT Previously, we have reported on the legal and ethical aspects and current practice of body donation in several European countries, reflecting cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. We have also established good practice in body donation. Here we shall further extend the legal and ethical frameworks in place and also focus on novelties in the law and different directives. Of particular interest are points that address the commercialization of human bodies and body parts and weaknesses in the legal directives. Therefore, it is important to define what is ethical and what needs to be considered unethical in body donation and the subsequent utilisation of human bodies for teaching and research.

Keywords: Body donation, European Community, Legal and ethical aspects

European Journal of anatomy
ISSN 2340-311X (Online)